Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Editorial Board

P. Del Moral is currently associate editor/editor for the following journals

  • Chief editor : American Journal of Algorithms and Computing, since 2012.

  • Associate editor : Applied Mathematics and Optimization, since 2009.

  • Associate editor Revista de Matematica: Teoria y Aplicaciones , since 2009.

  • Associate editor : Stochastic Analysis and Applications, since 2001.

Senior Program Committee


B. Bercu is responsible of the thematic group MAS (Modélisation Aléatoire et Statistique) at SMAI.

B. Bercu is an assistant director of the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB). He is also a member of the IMB council and the UFR council of the University of Bordeaux. He is a member of the CNU section 26.

B. Bercu is co-responsible of the specialty "Modélisation Statistique et Stochastique" of the Master MIMSE.

P. Legrand is a member of “bureau de l'association Evolution artificielle".

P. Legrand is in charge of the learning management system MOODLE of the UFR sciences et modélisation (University of Bordeaux II).

Organization of Conferences


  • Journals: Annals of Statistics, IEEE TPAMI, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Statistics and Computing, Journal de la Société Francaise de Statistiques

  • Conferences: UAI, NIPS, ICML, AISTATS